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Ohjeet välimuistin tyhjennykseen

The association

According to its founding charter, the purpose of Pääkaupungin turvakoti ry, established in 1978, is to prevent domestic violence. Through the association’s client work, the purpose is also to reme­dy the damage caused by violence, as well as to support families with children at risk of exclusion. The purpose of the association is not to gain profo or other direct Flnancial benefit for those partic­ipating in its activities.

In order to achieve its purpose, the associations

  • offers institutional and outpatient services for all parties in cases of domestic violence;
  • supports the client families of child welfare services;
  • carries out social advocacy work to improve the status of children and families at risk of exclusion;
  • carries out research, publication, and communication activities.

The association has three forms of activity:

Shelters for victims of domestic violence, Kilpola Housing Unit, and a Domestic Violence Counseling Unit.
The association produces high-quality professional institutional and outpatient services for all parties of domestic violence. The pur­pose of the work is to identify and end violence as well as to work through violent experiences.

Clients of our services are:

Children or adults who have experienced domestic violence; Perpetrators of domestic violence;
The people close to victims or perpetrators of domestic violence.

You can support the association’s work with, for example, Flnan­cial or material donations, by becoming a member, or by volun­teering for the association.

Shelters for victims of domestic violence

Shelters for victims of domestic violence offer immediate crisis help and round-the-clock secured living os well as psychoso­cial support, counselling, and guidance in acute situations. The shelter services are free of charge and meant for all victims of domestic violence or those at risk of it, regardless of sex and age, when it is not possible to stay ot home because of vio­lence, threats, or fear. The shelters are meant to be a short-term place of safety for the duration of an acute crisis. The employ­ees’ professional support is available for clients round the clock. In addition to crisis help, the shelters also provide support and information in practical matters. Minors stay at the shelter with a parent. Children receive support to get through their experi­ences with the help of child-oriented methods of dealing with violence. The employees help make the children’s experiences visible and give the family information about the impacts of vio­lence. The shelters’ employees answer telephone calls related to domestic violence round the clock.

Turvakoti Hertta Shelter

Työnjohtajankatu 7 C, 00880 Helsinki 09 4777 180 (24/7) Social worker in charge
050 563 6220

Turvakoti Tilkka Shelter

Mannerheimintie 164 B, 9th floor, 00300 Helsinki 050 565 0636 (24/7) Social worker in charge
050 576 3365

Turvakoti Pellas Shelter
Kuninkaantie 40 A, 02940 Espoo 040 457 3840 {24/7) Social worker in charge
040 457 3842

Kilpola Housing Unit

Kilpola Housing unit helps the client create and establish a vio­lence-free life. Supported living is generally work that happens after a period at a shelter and supports the client’s independent living. Both adult and child clients get professional support for their mental well-being and coping, as well as in taking care of practical matters. Kilpola Housing Unit has special competence in working with immigrants. Work is carried out weekly with all adult and child clients in a systematic manner.
In addition, clients have access to the Housing Unit’s duty work­er, who assists clients with acute matters and situations during ofFlcial hours every day. Clients come to Kilpola Housing Unit with a referral from their social worker.

Kilpola Housing Unit
Kilpolantie 2, 00940

Helsinki Social worker in charge 050 591 4650

Social counsellor 050 324 9178

Social counsellor 050 564 3392

Social counsellor, children and adolescents 050 310 4840

On-call duty 050 331 6528

Domestic Violence Counseling Unit

The Domestic Violence Counseling Unit provides conversational support for all family members, victims and offenders – wheth­er they be men, women, or nonbinary, children or adolescents – when a family is experiencing or has experienced domestic violence or the threat of it. The purpose of the work is to identify and end violence as well as to work through violent experi­ences. The working methods are individual, couple, and family meetings, various groups, and collaboration with other profes­sional actors who help families. Domestic Violence Counselors at the Domestic Violence Counseling work with both the victims and perpetrators of domestic violence.
Couples can receive help together.
The services of the Domestic Violence Unit are free of charge

Domestic Violence Counseling Unit
Kilpolantie 2, 00940 Helsinki

Domestic Violence Counselor, Supervisor 050 301 0748

Domestic Violence Counselor 050 526 0344

Domestic Violence Counselor 050 324 9168

Domestic Violence Counselor 050 407 3968

Domestic Violence Counselor 040 457 1449

The children of adult clients are also offered help at the Domes­tic Violence Unit, which offers the child a safe place to process their experience.

Domestic Violence Counselor 050 592 3026

The work of the association is funded by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.
